Hair Discrimination Law Cases.
Hair Discrimination in New York City
Have you been a victim of Hair Discrimination at work in New York City
Has this happened to you? You lost your job because your boss doesn't like your hair. You have been denied a promotion or advancement because your hair doesn't look like someone else's. Your employer's hair policy makes you violate your heritage or religion. Your boss calls your hair unprofessional.

Illustrative image depicting a potential situation involving hair discrimination in a New York City workplace.
In New York City, there’s good news for you. A first-of-its-kind law in the United States prohibits employers, government institutions, and law enforcement agencies from adopting discriminatory measures, ordering hair manipulation, or adopting discriminatory actions based on hairstyles. In addition, The New York City Human Rights Commission has issued guidelines to protect hair and hairstyles.
The directives are directed at racial discrimination. They state that hair discrimination is based on characteristics and cultural practices associated with Black culture, including the prohibition of hairstyles related to Black culture. Included is your right to maintain natural hair, hairstyles such as locks, cornrows, twists, braids, fades, and afros, and to keep hair in a natural and untrimmed state. The most protected communities are those with religious and cultural ties to uncut hair: Native Americans, Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, and Rastafarians.
Our experienced attorneys at Stillman Legal, P.C., have years of experience handling workplace discrimination claims and employee rights claims. At Stillman, we aggressively represent people who have been discriminated against, so if you think that your employer is engaged in illegal employment practices, contact an experienced Stillman lawyer.
Let us stand up when it matters for you and your rights.