Sexual Harassment Law Cases.
Sexual Harassment in New York State
Have you been sexually harassed at work in New York City or in the State of New York?
Sexual harassment is unethical and illegal. Speak with a veteran sexual harassment attorney in New York City at Stillman Legal.

Illustrative image depicting sexual harassment in a New York City office
Sexual harassment in a New York City workplace occurs when an employee or applicant experiences unwelcome sexual contact, hears sexual comments or is sexually harassed by colleagues, supervisors, managers, company directors, or other persons associated with their workplace.
If your employer or someone at your workplace has sexually harassed you, we can get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us to discuss your claim.
Retaliation is when someone in authority punishes you because you complained about sexual harassment initiated by them or someone else. You may have already suffered retaliation. For example, maybe you suffered a pay cut, were denied a promotion or fired because you refused a date, sexual favor request, or other sexual advance. All of these are examples of retaliation.
Hostile Work Environment
Often, a refused sexual advance creates a hostile work environment. When you feel intimidated, ignored, or abused in your workplace in the aftermath of a sexual harassment claim, that’s adding further injury, worthy of additional compensation. Examples include being threatened verbally or in written form, receiving unwanted memes or other abusive material, sexual jokes, and being left out of participation in essential activities related to your job.
If your company has a policy or procedure for dealing with sexual harassment, follow it. Following the rules will also be helpful in your case. Ensure you keep a record of when the incident happened, who was involved, and who witnessed it. Speak out and make it known that sexual harassment is unacceptable and that you do not want it to continue. Workers and applicants are protected from sexual harassment in all employment decisions, whether in recruitment, dismissal, benefits, training, remuneration, promotions, or other employment matters.
If you are a victim of sexual harassment in New York, an experienced lawyer at Stillman Legal, P.C. can help. Please contact us for a free consultation. We don’t get paid, unless we win your case!